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Hoover Restaurant Week

Putting Hoover on the tip of your tongue

Social Media, Content Marketing, Video, Digital Strategy

Hoover Restaurant Week gives new meaning to the client lunch. Since 2020, we have helped this event satisfy the appetites of food fans in the Hoover area. The event includes a televised launch event with Jeh-Jeh Pruitt that reaches 50,000-75,000 FOX6 viewers, television commercials that deliver more than 3 million impressions, Social Media campaigns that reach 1.5k followers with an average of 6.5k impressions and city-wide, grass roots exposure with printed materials in participating restaurants.

Our advertising campaign drives 30,000 visitors to

The event builds good will in the community by showing support for local restaurants in Hoover and brings donations to Hoover Helps who helps food insecure families in Hoover.

It is estimated the event increases traffic to participating restaurants 5-7%.

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